Saturday, May 5, 2012

Blessings of Garage Sale Fundraiser!

On April 27-29, a friend (from Colin's men's fraternity church group) and his wife hosted a garage sale fundraiser for our adoption! They sold grilled hotdogs and brats as well. Other men from Colin's group donated items to be put up for sale.

We feel so blessed to have these men praying for us and helping us to bring our babies home!

My family also donated wonderful items to our sale--for this we are so thankful! Colin and I set out our handmade jewelry and tambourines with a sign telling our story. We were excited to sell quite a few jewelry items and tambourines.

Today, I joined Colin at his men's group, because our pastor performed the Resolution For Men ceremony from the movie Courageous (a must see!). The guys just got finished reading the book and one guy from the group had beautiful plaques made for everyone. The wives and children were all invited to watch the men take their oaths and receive their plaques.

During his group, we were presented with the money raised from the garage sale.

We received $1,061.30!

God is so good!

Another blessing in the making is that anyone who contracts with All God's Children by June 29th will have their program fee reduced by $1,000. This is in honor of Mother's Day!

We are feeling so joyous. So grateful. So blessed. So humbled. SO excited!


  1. That is so awesome!!!! So rad that you guys have such amazing people to surround you during your adoption!! And how awesome that AGCI is reducing their price! What a blessing! :)

  2. Big step forward - so pleased for you!

  3. WOW! Amazing! I'm SO glad you made so much money at your garage sale ... AND you get a Mother's Day discount!
