Thursday, October 28, 2010


I want to share with you some quotes from a study I just got done reading. The book was called When Wallflowers Dance: Becoming a Woman of Righteous Confidence by Angela Thomas. Fellow blogger Andrea mentioned something on one of her posts that reminded me of some certain quotes that I felt like I should share with you all.

"Dancing is used to describe living fully in Christ's love. Dancing is about loving people in perfect step with His love for you and enjoying a grown-up, passionate life, free of emptiness and fear. Inside the strength of His embrace, you can become the woman you have always wanted to be...the one He dreamed of when He created you."

Are you dancing? What stops you from dancing? Perhaps fear, lack of faith, lack of discipline, busy-ness, low self-confidence, sin, or just being stuck in a rut. What are some tools you have around you that encourage you to dance? For me, it is a song, my Bible, a quote on my refrigerator, a picture, a meeting with a friend, or a meaningful sermon. What works for you?

I love the part of the quote that says, "You can become the woman you have always wanted to be...the one He dreamed of when He created you." God had a vision in mind when He created us. He knew the lives we would lead and the loves of our lives. What do you think was his vision for you? I will be pondering these thoughts right along with you this week.

My wish for you all:
"More than God with all of your heart, mind, soul, and dance! Dance the dance of your life for the glory of God!"


  1. I love that quote; really powerful when you sit down and think about it.

  2. I totally need that quote! I need to keep in mind that there is more to live then being infertile. I should be taking tome to dance and love my life. Thanks so much!
