Thursday, June 27, 2013

A Few Great Updates

Life has been full.
The beginning of the year was difficult for me....I was feeling lonely being 3+ hours away from family, friends, a church cooking class, a lovely farmer's market, a coffee shop with live music, a city that thrives with their music and arts scene, and so much more. I had a lack of joy for life.
We have lived in this city for almost 3 years. Moving here, we never knew if it would become a permanent home or a temporary home. I quickly realized it was temporary. I have really missed the people and activities I once was involved with, and never found replacements. There are several very sweet friends I have found here that will remain life-long friends, I hope.
Colin and I started discussing a possible move. When our adoption was moving at a good pace, we thought a move was not an option due to needing our home study completely updated, among other things. But since there has been a huge slowdown, God told us it was time.
It has not been made official yet, but Colin has received a conditional offer of employment at a police department less than an hour from my family, and only 5 minutes from the above said cooking class, farmer's market, music scene, etc. A dream.
The department is finishing up his background check hopefully this week or next and we will know really soon if he has received an official offer. We would both appreciate your prayers!
We have been looking at buying our very first house, and are excited to prayerfully find just the right one to raise our children in. This has been very important to me, as I just could not see us bringing a baby home to our apartment, for many annoying and distracting reasons, including several neighbors. :)
God has been so good to us. We are so grateful for His many blessings!
I promise to be back really soon with more!


  1. Oh, I hope Colin gets the job and you can find a nice home. I know how important it is to be close to family. God will make it all happen. Prayers to you guys!

  2. Your story sounds familiar. :-D As a fellow liver-away-from-family-by-3-hours, I can tell you it is GREAT to be home / closer! DH's parents live an hour away, and it is easy to spend a day with them, then get back in the car & head home.
    I'm so EXCITED for you both and will pray that this is the job for Colin! And house-buying is SO EXCITING too!!! Good luck! Keep us posted! :-)

  3. So happy for you! Hope you find a perfect house!
