Thursday, September 13, 2012

Dear God

Dear God,
From Burkina Faso to Sri Lanka
El Salvador to Peru
Hunger aches like a beast
No clean water
No doctors or nurses, classes or
Families that love them
Hurt for them
Are desperate for them
Help me
Help us
Be the change
For one
Help us to live 
Because you died
Living is breathing life into others
Spraying a light into the world
Living is sacrificing
Enjoying the suffering as Paul did
Living is courage
Battling for Your Kingdom
Loving unconditionally
Fighting for lives
Lives of our brothers and sisters
Lord, let there be a revival in our hearts
Let children be sponsored
One by one by one
Oh Lord, wreck us.
Break our hearts for what breaks Yours.


  1. Thank you for being a voice for those we can't hear.

  2. Found your through Compassion Bloggers and am blessed by your story. While I'm not exactly ready to be a Mommy yet, adoption has always been something that my soul desired. I could never justify bringing babies into this world when there are so many already in need of loving homes. I will continue to pray for your family (present and future) and look forward to following your journey.

    Much love,
