Saturday, December 11, 2010

Snow, snow, snow.

After taking a 3-month hiatus from TTC (while on birth control pills to regulate my cycle and hormones and diminish cyst/s), I am BACK. It feels good. I will be doing natural cycles for the next few months. Colin and I may decide to seek out an RE this coming year, but may not. I am just happy to be off of anything related to hormones for the time being. I barely remember what it is like having the hope of, "Perhaps this could be my cycle!"

On a side note, I made Colin tear up the other day when showing him this Ethiopian adoption video:

I hold international adoption deep in my heart, whether or not I am able to conceive. But for now, I must wait in patient anticipation of the day God says, "It is time."

In the meanwhile, I will sip my coffee and stare out at the falling snow. We in central Wisconsin are in a 'winter storm warning' until noon Sunday. I am not sure how many inches will accumulate, but I do know that it is going to snow, snow, snow! My plan for the day is to catch up on blog reading, do some light cleaning and laundry, and relax. Blessings!


  1. Little known fact about me:
    I used to live over seas and when I was over there, I volunteered regularly at a orphanage. It is the reason why I will never use cloth diapers and why adoption (especially foreign) is so dear to my heart.

    I would love to see you with one of these special souls in your arms but you are so right, sometimes we need to wait for God to let us know what is right for us.

  2. So glad you can be off the BCP now! Here's to some regular cycles and good things happening in 2011. :)

  3. So glad you are off of the BCP! I hope everything goes great for you. We always had thought about adoption too but never thought it was for us...God worked in our hearts for a little over a year and then we knew it would be best for us. Many prayers for you!

  4. Wishing you all the very best Jess :) It's wonderful that you are back in the game and I will be praying for your miracle. BELIEVE and continue to have FAITH, as its coming. And we are going to rally you to the finish line.

    As for international adoption...Ditto. It holds a space in my heart as well.

    Merry Christmas,

    ps thank you for all the love and support you continue to offer me. it means more than you will ever know

  5. Thanks so much for that beautiful vidoe. I cried through the entire thing.
    I don't know what God has for us in our TTC journey...but if that is what's at the end of the road, then praise Him, it's awesome!
