Saturday, June 20, 2015

The Last 6 Months

What have Caris and I been up to the last 6 months???

Caris says, "I don't know." GRIN.

A whole lot of fun staying home together. I have been loving this 1:1 time with my baby girl. She is more of a toddler now than a baby! She is 21 months old already. 

She LOOOOVES cats. She has 3 favorite stuffed animals we have named Douglas, Aurora, and Albert. She loooooves books. She loves balls. And she loves being outdoors going on walks in her wagon, playing with her water table, or just wandering through our yard.

She loves her mama, too. Mama's girl, for sure!

Mama loves dressing her up. 

She learned to walk in March and has been on-the-go ever since! Especially when Dada is chasing her! Ha.

Time is a-flying.

A little spring sunshine.

My cheerful babe.

Her swing she could swing in all day.

How are y'all???

I just can't have an update without pictures of Caris. Seriously. She is my earthly light. I am in love with her spunk, her cuddles, and her laughter.

We don't have a very great outlook on our Ethiopian adoption. AGCI is making one 'last' trip to Ethiopia in July to assess the program and any possible orphanage partnerships, but it has been stressed to us time and time again that the corruption in adoptions doesn't leave our program with much hope to continue on ethically. We have been told a final decision will be made and shared the first week of August. We have been told over and over that it would be wise to switch country programs, but our hearts just won't let us walk away until the door is fully closed. If that happens in August, we will then begin pursuing adoption within the United States. Please pray for us and all families who have continued in the program, and also all the orphans left behind due to corruption.